Act 5, Scene 7: “An Act of Illusion”

TRL walks into the kitchen. E is on the floor, pushing around some fallen Cheerios.
“Hey,” says TRL.
E looks up and smiles. Then picks up a Cheerio and slowly brings it towards his mouth.
“No,” says TRL firmly. “We don’t eat food off the floor. You know that.”
E looks up at TRL and then pops the cereal into his mouth.
TRL picks him up. “Spit it out,” he says. He inspects E’s mouth but the Cheerio is nowhere to be found.
“Did you just eat that after I said not to?”
“I just saw you put the cereal in your mouth. I told you not to. Did you just put it in your mouth?”
“No,” insists E. And for a second, TRL believes him. He doubts himself, even though he saw E put it in his mouth. TRL learns something about magic right then, the power of suggestion, that insisting upon something both parties know is not true can sometimes, at least momentarily, make it true.
E learns a little something, too. About the consequences of lying.
“You have just earned a time out,” says TRL.
Cheerio on the floor??? That ain't nothing. My kid picked 5 mushrooms (the edible kind) off the playground and popped them in his mouth last week. A trip to the emergency room, some charcoal in his belly, a few runs to the toilet and all was well. Maybe our fault - we pick berries off of bushes, don't we? We're good, attentive parents so it must be the school's fault - don't they mow their lawn?
LOL...I am the mom of 1 year old twin boys and your blog is hilarious! Is this what's in store for us????
Can I put a link to your blog on my blogroll? I have a new blog (leaving the old one) about my life as the wife of a SAHD. If you have doubts, feel free to check it out Your blog is what the Dr. ordered!
Keep blogging I'm taking notes!
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