Act 5, Scene 5: “Tough Love”

TRL and C get into a little fight. TRL has constructed a really cool fort out of pillows and a sheet. E crawls inside and happily reads in the Cave of Excitement and Solitude. And then C comes in, stands up and twirls around, ripping the sheet off in the process.
“C,” whines TRL. “You ruined it.”
E happily reads on.
TRL repositions the pillows and puts the sheet back over the fort.
And C darts in, stands up and ruins it.
“Not nice,” growls TRL. C just looks up, smiles, and twirls around. E continues to read happily. TRL stomps away in a huff. He then busies himself by making a snack for the boys.
“Guys, snack,” he calls, and they clatter into their seats. TRL kisses C on the forehead. “Can we be friends?” he asks.
C levels a thoughtful gaze at TRL.
“Be my Daddy,” he responds.
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