Act 5, Scene 1: “Nice Aim! And Sorry About the Baby.”

C nails a mom holding a baby. Picks up a basketball (mini-sized) at Gymboree, and lets it rip. The mother is not happy. Extremely not happy.
“C, you need to apologize,” says TRL.
TRL sighs. The mother glares.
TRL tries a different tact. “C, why did you throw the ball?”
“I don’t want the baby here.”
TRL is secretly thrilled. It confirms that C was trying to hit the mom: C has great aim!
Both C and E have a thing about babies. E promises to put one in the oven should the opportunity arise.
“C, we don’t throw balls at people, especially babies.”
The mother stands glaring. TRL looks up. He is not happy that C threw the ball, but hey, they are at a place that encourages kids to throw balls. Basically the mother had walked into a war zone with a baby. Maybe she’s the one who’s been bad.
Hilarious blog!! I also approved your article on the crappy Diaper Genie:
Too funny... I'm glad you were able to retire it...
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