Act 2, Scene 30: “Turkeylurky Day”

The boys arrive home after an invigorating day at daycare. And what do they have to show for their little labors? Why, Handprint Turkeys! The images of C and E’s little hands with a few strokes of magic marker turned into lovely four-feathered wild turkeys.
Beautiful, gushes TRL.
But there is more. A printed message comes with each little gobbler, signed by the artists themselves, or if not by their actual hand (which would still have been wet from the paint), then at least by a teacher.
This isn’t just a turkey
As anyone can see.
I made it with my hand,
Which is a part of me!
It comes with lots of love
Especially to say –
I hope you have
A very happy Thanksgiving Day!
Love, C&E,
and S & TRL
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