Act 6, Scene 4: “Not Mutually Exclusive”

TRL asks his friend why C & E pick this week of all weeks to pee in their pants twice (E), pee in their bed (E again), and take a crap in their underpants (C).
“Why, oh why when S is away for the week?” TRL questions.
“Ah, because S is away,” answers his friend.
It’s not the acts that bother him so much as the additional changing and laundry they necessitate. “This is a really bad use of time,” TRL lectures E as he changes his clothes again.
Plus C & E have been monsters the entire week, constantly fighting with each other and screaming and crying. TRL’s nerves are frazzled.
Is the peeing and pooping and overall bitchiness cosmic punishment for him, or merely the kids reacting to S being away? wonders TRL.
Punishment for you, no doubt. You fed them nuts when you shouldn't have. The fact that mommy is away is irrelevant.
devine retribution. i like it.
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