Act 2, Scene 6: “Date Night”

TRL and S have entered a new chapter in their lives. They went on a date to Stop & Shop. Well, Super Stop & Shop, which may give it a higher degree of cache, at least linguistically speaking, but a grocery store none-the-less. This was not some exciting themed date, or even a nod to a bygone college alcohol and drug-induced dash to the grocery store to hunt for Haagen-Dazs while cruising in shopping carts and making relentless fun of products while giggling through the frozen foods isle. No, this was the realization after a dinner at a high-end chain restaurant that they needed bananas and yogurt for the kids, probably some milk, too, and fresh fruit wouldn’t hurt. Plus those crackers they enjoy so much. And more baby soap for their baths, and toddler toothpaste. In a word, after an exhausting weekend at a family reunion, and then long days at work, tired but finally unwinding on a first date in months, they realized they would now have to be paying $13 an hour to the babysitter for the privilege of extending their date to include shopping. What is next: dates looking for tile at the hardware store? Taking advantage of late hours at the DMV to renew licenses? Late night meetings with insurance agents and financial planners to discuss annuities, college funds and 401Ks? Probably.
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