Act 2, Scene 5: "Fashion Victim"

TRL has taken to leaving the house with as few complicating actions as possible. This generally means walking out in gym shorts and a T-shirt, and most egregiously, in socks and sandals. He looks like a German tourist.
S has chastised him for this look. And he himself recognizes that sandals – in this case rubber-soled velcro-strapped Nevados he got at Costco for $15 – should never ever be worn with socks, in this case white athletic socks TRL bought in bulk recently from BJs. He knows he looks ridiculous, but it is the curious fact that he doesn’t care that bothers him most. TRL would never wear sandals in New York City, where he lived for 11 years. And while he did adapt to living in San Francisco by purchasing the sandals, he only wore them around the apartment, and then certainly without socks. But now, he goes out and greets the neighbors in his socks and sandals. And goes to the bank. And the coffee shop. TRL has decided that the part of his psyche that cares how his looks are perceived is on siesta in SB. Who is here that he cares what they think? And maybe, suspects TRL, the deeper truth is that nobody in town cares, anyway.
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