Act 2, Scene 17: “Under Attack”

Ping… ping…ping TRL hears through the curtain of sleep.
TRL’s eyes shoot open. The alarm clock reads 3:00 am, the green glow of the numbers throwing a sickly illumination over the room. S is still sleeping soundly.
PING! Something ricochets off the aluminum siding of the house.
Acorns, realizes TRL. Fall was here and with seeming randomness the acorns had been falling from the trees throughout the day. And the night, TRL is now forced to acknowledge.
It’s like living in a tin hut on a fucking driving range, TRL curses to himself.
How long was acorn-falling season? he wonders.
The trees were exacting their revenge for TRLs thoughts of cutting some of them down. They were launching giant acorn torpedoes at his home.
Ping. Roll, roll, roll. PING.
TRL rolls over, reaches his arms across S’s warm body and tries to go back to sleep.
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