Act 4, Scene 9: “200 Baht”

TRL is wrestling with E, trying to get him into his socks and pants at 7:30 a.m. as E’s elephant puppet Ely bites at TRL’s legs.
“You know guys, I had a very big elephant try and eat me when I was riding him in Thailand.”
C pauses climbing up TRL’s back and Ely stops nipping for a moment.
“I was in the jungle of Thailand, riding on the neck of an elephant.”
“Why you ride on an elephant?” asks C.
“Well, because we were traveling through the jungle, and the elephants provided our transportation. And this one elephant kept thinking my legs were bamboo, which was his favorite food. He would grab a bamboo stick on the trail with his trunk, curl it into his mouth, and crack it in two while chewing it.”
TRL grabs E’s leg. “Like this.” E screams.
“He thought my leg was his food, and I kept having to pull my leg out of his trunk before he shoved it into his mouth.”
TRL grabs at C and E’s legs and they squeal with laughter.
“When you guys are older, I’ll tell you about other things Daddy rode in Thailand.”
Whooo, sounds like it's just about time for S to get back, otherwise "Storytime with Daddy" is going to take a decidedly NC-17 turn..
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