Vol 1, Act 1, Scene 1: "Ripe Berries"

The first week, TRL sits in his new office/fourth bedroom overlooking lovely backyard with its swingset and view into neighbors’ backyards and also another window facing onto street. It is early summer. The kids are out for the walk with the nanny. Door bell rings, a foreign sound to TRL. It takes a few seconds for him to figure out just what it is. He is angry at the interruption and thrilled at the possibility of company. He bounds down the stairs and to the front door, slows, and casually opens door. It is C, [sexy spin class instructor from down the street]. She smiles, a rosy sweet smile, and offers a bowl of fresh strawberries.
I’m C, from down the street. Welcome to the neighbor.
Ah, thank you, TRL stammers and takes the bowl.
The berries are from the farm up the street.
O, wonderful, thank you, nice. He recovers his decorum. Would you like to come in?
C enters and with the front door closed behind her, it is immediately darker in the hallway.
Why don’t I put this bowl of berries on the floor, you take off that tight little Abercrombie and Fitch T you are sporting, and you can eat those berries like a hog going after truffles?
TRL thinks.
It’s nice in here. It looks less cluttered than when The Ds lived here.
We haven’t really unpacked yet.
It takes awhile. It’s nice to have you in the neighborhood. P said your wife works at FNT in marketing?
Yes, that’s right. I’m a writer, a journalist, I work from home.
R, my husband, he is an engineer, for IBM.
He’s off running a triathlon in Alaska next week, I’m going to have some ladies over from the neighborhood for cocktails. I’ll drop S a note.
Well, got to go. The kids are due back from daycare soon.
No stay, I’ll give you something much sweeter than these strawberries. Let me show you around the house. Let me show you the bedroom. Perhaps some cream for those sweet, sweet berries?
Thank you for stopping by, TRL responds.
Door is opened.
And thank you so much for the strawberries.
C waves and walks down stairs. TRL watches her ass. Finally closes door and goes to the refrigerator, a 25 cubic inch Amana Big Boy, for a Red Bull to provide stimulation.
It that was necessary for me. I Thank you for the help in this question.
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